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 in my eyes:   ENTRIES    PROFILE    ARCHIVES    LINKS    << navigation
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Counts down.

Counting down(:
2 more days to G & V.
14 days to SG.
I miss everybody.

& i loved you at 1:16 PM. | top

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Came back from Panda Factory and Buffet!
The buffet was meant to be my early bday celebration! Cus 1 Aug will be flying to Frankfurt day!=p My bday on the airplane! How cool!=)
Ate from 2pm to 9pm! =p
Went to the toilet to pee thrice!
Many many servings of ice-creams!=pp
We were talking craps and craps.
We planned to go to the chinese restaurant initially but changed my mind yesterday because i thought since we are going back to SG already, we should not eat chinese food.
So, yea, very satisfied!
Oh, an update on our shopping gains, yesterday was P's denim v-halter neck and mini sling bag and me, today's long-sleeved shirt for formal wear and i think casual wear also can lah. HAHA. Like 20e dist? LOL.
Good buy what.
Okay, so bloated! I must finish reports tmr, but i cannot think of what to write already.

& i loved you at 11:59 AM. | top

Thursday, July 24, 2008
we are sG.

This is so weird because my laogong can see my old blog while the rest can't. WHY!=(
Anyway, tmr is Friday and i am so excited! Cus next week is the last week of internship, i am goona bid goodbye to this place and fly to germany & then venice!

Oh, me and P were so excited that we bought clothes to wear for our holiday!
Cus new country new clothes mah.
Hers will be dress top (Hot!)/ colourful tube beach dress (can be a top too)/ si wen tube dress/ and the last one she hasn't tell me yet but i am guessing dress top. haha. Cus bring leggings lighter then bringing pants. Mine i am not sure yet, but then it should be wadever that doesn't need me to bring pants. HAHA.
We have no choice but to lighten our "luggage" because we aren't checking in any in fact, just hand-carry. Save money. =p
We have the spirit of backpackers ok! We are planning bread-eating tour, (with some good food i hope).
I think we very brave! Two cha bors touring, dangerours!
And you know how small we are among these angmohs!
Plus we had encounters of weird guys saying weird things to us. I think some european guys like to bully chinese gals!=(
Like when we were touring T, 2 guys in the car, horned and then stopped by us and said "THAI MASSAGE." I think they thought we were from Thailand??? And we provide those massage? Like prost? WTH.
Then some drunk idiots said some nasty things... Yeap! Craziness!
So i really think that we are very brave. HAHA.
Anyway we have many different identities! Let's see... cheena. Jap. Korean. Thai. And the chinese restaurant waitress thought i was from Taiwan and P from Malaysia. Oh and a Thai thought P was a Thai too and talked to her in a shop. HAHA. So cool right.
Oh did i mention we went to shop these few days? Cus there were crazy sales all over!
Like she bought tt si wen dress at 20e discount and i bought two tops, a dress top and a belt at 10 to 20e discount! I think it is happier to spend lesser money and bring back a lot of stuffs. There is greater satisfaction at the end of the day what!
Just my opinion lah, haha.

Yes, counting down! To be exact, 18 days from now i will be in SG!
I love SG and i think SG is the best.
SG, here i come!

& i loved you at 10:54 AM. | top

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

I slept at 5pm ytd, woke up at 11pm and continued sleeping from 2 to 5.30am to go to work.
I got up even more tired!
Anyway, one of the first things i am gonna do is to cut my hair when i reach SG.
So i must snap a picture of my long long hair before visiting the salon!=p
I miss laogong.
Time flies and i am going back to meet him soon, very excited!
I miss the food a lot and i already planned to eat and eat non-stop when i get back.
Of cus, food here in the hotel is good also, the chefs cook for us!
But still, nothing beats my hometown!!

Oh congrats to xy for passing her driving test!
Now we've 2 person to drive us around!
HA. When is my turn? I think have to wait long long!!

& i loved you at 11:54 AM. | top

Friday, July 18, 2008

Ytd was pigging day for me, i slept from 5.30pm til the next morning where i woke up at 5.30am to go to work! HA, i just didn't want to wake up!

I just received an email from SP saying i have fees payment to be deduct from my mum's giro!
=( I thought i had already used CPF? That stupid SP don't let me use?
WTF i hate this CPF thing lah, already used it last sem, then why now can't?
Anyway i feel so bad now!=(
I must must must repay my parents when i work!!
My dad was still so nice to me, telling me that i will have $$$ from him as my bday pres.
Now i think he should just give it to my mum because more $$$$ will be deducted from her account.
OMG. I am such a stupid gal, can't even settle such things properly.
I feel like crying now lah. =(

Anyway, leaving money issues aside, me and P went shopping and i bought that casual black dress that i wanted to buy a few weeks ago! OH, and %%%!!!! Luckily i didn't buy it the other time. Just that i bought a smaller size cus there wasn't anymore of the size that i wanted alr! But buying tops/ bottoms here boost my confidence cus the sizes i bought are smaller than in SG! LOL! Anyway bought 2 more tops!=p All %%!
P bought this really sweet dress also with %%%! HAHA.
A bit too sweet for her, but she wanna change her style from hot to sweet! LOL! so yea, pretty pretty!
We were already planning of what to bring and wear for our holiday in Germany & Venice!
Opps, thinking of spending money makes me feel guilty once again. =(
I love my parents and i am gonna hug them everyday when i get back.

Btw, went to J's house again and he picked up dai dee really fast and i got all the bad cards.
And played his card games.
Then it was crazy karaoke for us, crazy going out of tune and crazy dancing all the way!
Hais, i am still feeling guilty, i think my parents will feel like killing me when they see my email. =<<

& i loved you at 4:29 PM. | top

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

HA, it's already halfway through the week, (:
Jeff's party at chalet sounds fun but too bad i can't go.
Baby is enjoying and he nv forgets to inform me wherever he goes out with his friends, and i appreciate it a lot. Even though i don't expect him to do so!=p
Anyway, thinking of packing my luggage at the end of Finland internship makes me sianed!
20kg, sure exceed!=(

Anyway, i successfully exchanged xy's leggings, and the sales person wanted my name, tel num and signature. LOL. They checked for quite a long time before allowing me to change.

Gd nites!

& i loved you at 11:53 AM. | top

Monday, July 14, 2008

OMG the sky is pink now! (:
Anyway, this is stupid because me and P have 2 reports to write.
Anyway, we have planned various activities for ourselves so that time flies faster!
Napped just now but was awaken by P's oven-baked chicken!=( But no i am fat i can't eat!

Yesterday was crazy laughing with my bro over video cam! He is crazy and i can't stand him! LOL.
So i was bz video caming with my parents, then my bro, then my beloved!
Then of course a sunday must-watch is fated to love u!

HA, gd nite!!

& i loved you at 12:52 PM. | top

happi monthsary!.

Happy 2 years and 5 months!
=) I miss u so much!

My sickening bro!
Buay ta han him!
counting down, 3 weeks more to Tampere & Germany & Italy!

& i loved you at 6:14 AM. | top

Saturday, July 12, 2008
lazy day.

Woke up at 2pm today, what a pig!
Slept close to 14 hours!
Anyway, evening went to Jukka's apartment for movies, eating, drinking, chatting, karaoke and playing Ps2 guitar session. Oh and chatting on his balcony was nice! Like the breeze and the view from the balcony(: And we ate a lot! Chips, dips, cucumbers, sussages, chocolate snacks, baked chocolates, and some baked stuffs and breads. LOL. And i think i drank quite a lot!=( Too much alcohol intake gives me rashes. LOL.
I think we will miss him when we are back in SG. He is such a nice guy!
Btw, i still have report undone!=( 2 companies somemore, WTH!
It is 3.30am now, here.
And i am not asleep yet.=(
One more month, i am back to SG. Looking forward.
I miss my baby so much, and my family! Butties too! hehe.
And FOOD of course!

& i loved you at 5:24 PM. | top

Friday, July 11, 2008
Happy bday!.

Happy Bday to my CGZ!
I love uuuuuuuu!!!!

& i loved you at 10:12 AM. | top

Tuesday, July 8, 2008
blur me..

Argg, i am so blur!=(
Anyway, shopping these few days...=p
But i didn't buy anything for myself! HAHA.
Pearl was luckier, she got herself a dress, a long sleeved blouse and leggings!
Anyway, i am so blur lah. I bought xy her leggings but it's the wrong length! WTH! Hope can change!=(

Btw, based on XY's rec, i am watching Absolute bf now!
=( damn sad in the end.
Okay, lazy to update. Lol.
Oh, i want chinese food!=(

& i loved you at 7:01 AM. | top

Saturday, July 5, 2008

(: Me and Pearlie sexy went to a chinese restaurant for yummmy chinese food!(:
OMG, we miss chinese food so much! =(
Anyway, it was expensive of cus, but we don't care!
It was china ppl running the restaurant, so they gave us discount! =p
And yes, extra food! Like spring rolls, we got 2 extras, and the hot plate chicken, almost overflowed! HAHAAHA.
And yes, rice! OMG, we miss rice! HAHAHA.
Yea even though i know how to cook rice without the rice cooker, but the rice which is sold here doesn't taste like the rice in SG.=(
HEHE. Anyway, pictures not updated yet.
OMG so super high leh.
Anyway, went shopping & P bought a beach dress which is nice!=)
And i had to try that dress to convince her that she should buy HAHA.
I bought a long pants ytd. Because it was cheap. Cus i nv like to buy pants.

Hais i want more chi food.=(

& i loved you at 1:03 PM. | top

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

I am lazy to upload pics!
SO, go to my facebook if u guys wanna see some pictures we took in Helsinki, Suomenlinna and Tallinn!
LOL. Will upload some here soon, hopefully.

& i loved you at 10:33 AM. | top

first day at scandic!.

My first day at Scandic Hotel was good!
Early release, whee.
Anyway, i think my bf was missing me too much that he forgotten the time and called me at like 4 plus in the morning. I taught it was my alarm!
Me and Pearl bought a same pair of shoes at HM.
We need comfy shoes to travel and walk arnd in that 10days!
The shoes here are super duper expensive, so we could only buy at HM. How sad. LOL.
She is sending me the pictures. HAHA.

& i loved you at 6:18 AM. | top

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Trip to Tallinn!.

Back from Estonia!(:
Pictures with Pearl!
Anyway, summary of my trip!
Firstly, we took the earliest bus to Helsinki!
About 5 plus hours, we slept like pigs!=p
When we reached there, we bought the 24hr transport card and took a ferry to Suomenlinna maritime fortress!
Had double ice-cream balls with crispy cone! LOL. 4 euros!
Walked around, snapped pictures!
After that, we went to Helsinki Cathedral, market square, senate square and also shopped in the city centre!
Evening time; we board the viking line cruise on our way to Tallinn!
Bought cider and chocolates for dinner. We had alcohol 2 days in a row!=p

Reached Tallinn at 7am!
It was so early, no shops were opened.
So, we went to Old Town, the main attraction. Snapped pictures!
Went to Kadriorg Park! Beautiful flowers!
Anyway, that day was an eating day for us!
We had Hesburger meal, double ice cream cone, chinese food, and Hesburger again!
Non-stop eating!=p
Sadly, there was not much shopping to do there!=(
Plus, both my feet's 4th toes bled! Cus the nail almost came out due to the excessive walking! =(
My shoes even have the blood stain that cannot be washed away=(

Back to Helsinki, stayed at Eurohostel for a night!
We even had to make the beds ourselves!
That is where housekeeping skills come in handy. LOL.
Btw, we shopped at Helsinki on the last day, had Mac for lunch.
The shopping was massive, but we thought the clothes aren't really nice.
We only managed to buy a same bucket bag, body mist, and i also bought another gold color bag.
That's quite a pathetic shopping! LOL.

Took the train back to Jyvaskyla, so comfy!
We chatted throughout the 2.5 hrs! That was a surprise because we hardly don't fall asleep on trains/ buses!=p
Overall, it was still very enjoyable!=p
Pictures soon!

I am joining Pearl at Scandic hotel to work tmr!
Have to wake up earlier than before! What a torture.

I hope everything is fine back in Sg, many things happened lately=(
I hope, i pray.

& i loved you at 11:26 AM. | top