Saturday, July 5, 2008
(: Me and Pearlie sexy went to a chinese restaurant for yummmy chinese food!(:
OMG, we miss chinese food so much! =(
Anyway, it was expensive of cus, but we don't care!
It was china ppl running the restaurant, so they gave us discount! =p
And yes, extra food! Like spring rolls, we got 2 extras, and the hot plate chicken, almost overflowed! HAHAAHA.
And yes, rice! OMG, we miss rice! HAHAHA.
Yea even though i know how to cook rice without the rice cooker, but the rice which is sold here doesn't taste like the rice in SG.=(
HEHE. Anyway, pictures not updated yet.
OMG so super high leh.
Anyway, went shopping & P bought a beach dress which is nice!=)
And i had to try that dress to convince her that she should buy HAHA.
I bought a long pants ytd. Because it was cheap. Cus i nv like to buy pants.
Hais i want more chi food.=(
& i loved you at 1:03 PM. | top