Tuesday, September 23, 2008
bird nest day.
I'm glad that they are strong.
These past few days made me realised the importance of family/ relatives.
And we came to know who are the ones always lending a helping hand, who are the ones who only talk a lot but nv did anything.
Anw, treasure, no one knows what happens tmr.
Be strong!
My puipui bought me and my bro lunch before he went to work.
I can never be as good to him.=( LOL.
Berry said i look like those who doesn't do housework! Why!
I vacuum, mop, wash dishes, cook, do the laundry leh! LOL!
I must help my mum do housework cus my bro obviously don't bother! Ha.
& i loved you at 11:58 PM. | top
Friday, September 19, 2008
save money.
Thanks for acc-ing me to anywhere whenever u are free, whenever i need u.
I really appreciated it a lot.
So many things happened lately.
This year seems to be a tough one.=(
I hope everything goes well.
Need good luck. good health. !
Puipui promised not to cab. But? We cabbed again. ><. Idiot. save money leh. Ur cab fares can buy car already!=((

& i loved you at 11:32 AM. | top
Thursday, September 18, 2008
BJ came to Ikea to have lunch and they said i look like an auntie! WA LAO.
After my work, we went out to have dinner and walked arnd to see Hp.s and geeky black specs.
LOL. Went Ramen Ten at CS and i saw this guy from the campus superstar.. i think his name is YuYang or smth. HA.
Then Pak joined us and BJ the crazys made fun of me. WTH><.
Me and baby in Mrt. so rare! LOL.

Him at my house(:

& i loved you at 10:52 AM. | top
Monday, September 15, 2008
Happy 2 years and 7months to me and puipui on the 14th!
Maybe i should plan a surprise for him soon soon!=p
Anyway, shopping at Chinatown was fun with him!
Pam sent me the pics to Paulaner already!
But stupid blogger cannot upload! WHY!=(
Happy bday to my beloved bro! I love him! LOL!
& i loved you at 11:50 AM. | top
Friday, September 12, 2008
work work.
I am so tired from work and late nights!
But i like working there lah.
Ok, i am so lazy to blog.
Jeff sent me some pictures.
One of the many shots. HA

I wanted them to get closer! LOL.

Me and Xy

& i loved you at 10:37 AM. | top
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Yesterday was
Pam's first day of attachment! Good luck!
Eric's POP!-- yay!
and i went to Sim Lim then to Orchard for window-shopping with B and J,
meeting Xy for dinner after her work.
After Orchard was starbucks & dessert-eating at East Point and baby came to look for us after his work.
Long long day!
Anyway, B sent xy home, hahaha!=p
The day ended with chit-chatting at Tamp's mac.
The happiest person was definitely B. HAHA.
& i loved you at 10:52 PM. | top
Monday, September 8, 2008
Love love.
Topone match-making session on saturday midnight.
Sang from 11pm to 5am after my work!
Was very tired because i only slept 6hours cos i delivered breakfast to my laogong's house at 8am! HA. He was sick and had sore throat, so i bought fish porridge, luo han drink and golden throat sweet for him. See, i am sucha good gf. LOLOLOL.
Anyway, i didn't sleep after that because I had to go to work. =(
Luckily, my sore throat decided to go away while i was singing! LOL.
But i didn't have voice the next day!!! LOL!=p

Main highlight of the night

Me and baby went to Funan IT mall to get his camcorder, and then we went to shop around. Ended up shopping at Bugis junction and since i gotten my first week's pay, so i bought him and myself a couple superman shirt! Also got him a long-sleeve top and a QS cap. I bought a dress and a patent leather sandals for myself while he was having a hair-cut. So bored what! HA. I love going out with him! Though we MUST bicker at least once everyday, i think that it is actually very fun to talk back to each other. LOL. That is just us lah. But i know it is annoying especially when we are out with friends. But we just can't help it. LOL. I love him!

Taken from PAM's blog! Nicely done!
Me, Pam and XY at airport! Crazy taking crazy pictures while waiting for my ah lao to end work! LOL. Thanks for acc-ing me! Love them!

Click for clearer image.
Couples-dating on saturday. LOL.=p
& i loved you at 9:59 AM. | top
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
I lost my voice!
Sent JY off at T3 just now!
See ya in 3 months time!(:
Take care there!
Anyway, shopped with Pam before that & met Xy after her threading session.
HA. I want more shoppings please.
Okay, i can't talk now but i insist on gg to my singing session on Sat.
& i loved you at 11:09 AM. | top
Monday, September 1, 2008
Went to Sakae buffet with laogong & my bro.
Almost burst again!
I am suffering from minor sore throat! I must get better for this Sat's overnight singing session with my half-butts! HAHA.
Miss singing so much!
Sometimes, i even miss the choir days! hehe.

Sakae! The picture doesn't justify the amount of food we ate! The waiter already cleared our 1st batch of plates!

Ha, my fat bro who can dance.=pppp

Satisfied meeeee!!!! (who needs to lose weight badly)

And Butts at Sakura 2 weeks ago to celebrate me & Pearl's return. Eh-hem. HAHA.

Anyway, I am missing the snow!
Work tmr! Which is good as time flies quickly and stops me from spending money. LOL.
I am poor lah.
& i loved you at 11:57 AM. | top