Thursday, December 25, 2008
Thanks to Pearl for lending us her house for the overnight party.
So for the food we had German cheese sussages and chicken sussages from a German restaurant, canadian pizzas, mini tomatoe pizzas, wedges, french fries, 600g of diff hams, fried popcorn chicken, many bags of chips, yummy cookies made by abu, logcake, chocolates, a lot of fruits, red wine and soft drinks. HA.
Too much of food that we can't finish.=p
It was a night of taking pics, chatting, Mj, eating non-stop, playing and teasing.
My lao was the mc of the day. He is crazyyyy.
P's mum was so high with us. HAHA.
We had to exchange gifts by drawing lots, and i stil got my lao's gift in the end.
I was still telling xy ytd that his gift is not bad cus it's a massaging thingy.
And i got it in the end.
So i am now using that to massage my butt. LOL.
Pam's bangala got mine and hope he or pam is happily hugging the cute bolster to slp.
And my bro is so funny cus he bought this book on " Why we want you to be rich", & pammy got it! So, tell us the secret to be rich after reading that book. LOL.
Anw, hope everyone had fun!
Next up would be new yr's eve partaye.

& i loved you at 10:15 AM. | top