Thursday, February 26, 2009
cut my hair!!! finally!.
I finaaaally chop off my hair!!! HA.
So happy !! 6 inches of hair!
My hair is too long i can't stand it.
Now i'm a happy girl with not so long hair. LOL!
Hope my hair doesn't grow too fast!
& i loved you at 6:31 AM. | top
Monday, February 23, 2009
tlw down!.
TLE down!
One more to go!!!
Fighting! HAHA!
Omg I am in the state of fa hua chi now.
Seriously, i am very very distracted over the korean F4s cus they are so hot!!!!
Ok not to the extent of not studying over them lah.
I still study hard ok.
Just that i hope to dream of them someday when i go to slp. HAHA=p
OKay, i am not greedy. Maybe dream of one will do.=pppp
Anyway, i am surprising lao this fri to bring him to a place which he loves to go but i do not like to go. =p
And of cus the sat plans. Can't wait. !!!
& i loved you at 12:01 PM. | top
Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pam's early bday celebration on friday at Timbre.
FULL Butties, 2 Butters, B, M, T came (:
Shared 4 pizzas, seafood platter, 2 sets of chicken wings & stuffed mushrooms... while the 3 guys who came later odered their own food. I like the pizzas, wings, and the cocktails were nice too. (:
It was supposed to be a surprise but it was kinda obvious.
ANYWAYS, I met xy to prepare those stuffs earlier in the afternoon.
I was wearing a pair of heels which i kept in my cabinet for a year plus. Cus no chance to wear.
Actually, i have many heels in my cabinet which i don't wear them for more than a yr or 2.
ANYWAY, my heels spoilt while we were shopping for things!! Argg!!
BUT, Luckily it didnt spoil only when we reached Timbre, else i can't buy to replace!
So, so. Unlucky, but LUCKY me. (:
Bought a pair of charles and keith heels at 70% discount! (:
Good buy! I rec to butts to go there and grab those shoes too! HAHA.
And, also a reminder to myself that i shld wear those heels in my cabinet before they all spoil!=(
Hais, that pair of heels were a gift!! Fated. fated.
So, new pair of shoes again, omg. I think i shld stop buying shoes for now. Buy alr, nv wear & spoil again. =x
I hate exams. Whee.
I wanna fly to Korea and find the Korean F4s. HAHAHA.
I am super distracted lah. Siao liao.
But even if my results are gd for this sem, also no use. Wun affect gpa too much.
And i hate studying.
I want stay at home.
Reading + Memorising + Studying + Going to school = SIAN SIAN SIAN.
& i loved you at 9:35 AM. | top
Thursday, February 19, 2009
I need to study pls!.
Bought 2 pairs of heels at Tinkerbell just now!
happy happy. I kept buying new shoes, but i dun wear them. Wth.
But anyway, it's cheap mah. Tinkerbell closing down so closing down sale. Ha.
And, i want shop shop. !
I can't wait for 28th..(:
And i should study NOW.
Tooooo distracted by the Korean liu xing hua yuan. LOL.
The guys are sooo hot! At least hotter den the jap and even the tw lor. Woooo.
My lao can't ta-han me hahahaha.
Too bad.
Anw, lao and me are gettin fatter again! Wth, y do we keep getting fatter ever since we got tgt?
Even though we got exercise?
I think we exercise 1 hr, eat 3hrs. Damnnn.
Argg. i have nth to blog.
Meeting the buttsss tmr. *Shake butts shake*
& i loved you at 7:10 AM. | top
Friday, February 13, 2009
I love my ah lao.

Happy Vday & 3 years!
Sorry to postphone the celebrations.
Cause of no mood over exams and stuffs.
But we know we are glad of the "late celebrations" plan. (:
I know we will definitely have a good memorable time!
Though this year will be a diff year, all the probs we are facing and will be facing,
i know we can make it!
go go go!
Fate brought us together.
You were a skinny monkey, a "sun xie zi", a POW.
But, after meeting me, u became a king-kong, a seahorse! LOL!
Me? Worst! Gained 15kgs WTH.
From a pork to a fatty ah pui pork. HA.
I think we should motivate each other to slim down rather than keeping this up.
Else by the time IF we really got married, we need two king-sized beds.
Anyway, this also shows that you dote on me too much!
I know we end up in weird arguements most of the times, or both of us getting stubborn, not wanting to give in... but but but...
You are still my best fat ah lao!
I love your sexy butt, smell of your ******, the look on you when you try so hard to carry me (wahahha), biting you when i am fed up over things, salivating on you when i'm slping, you singing to me when i can't slp (despite you being half-aslp or aslp alr but forced to wake up), you scolding me when i don't want slp, you always thinking of me whenever you go, don't mind if i do disgusting things in front of you..... ...... and so many other things! HA!
I love you!
& i loved you at 10:05 AM. | top
Monday, February 9, 2009
Psy test down!
Now left w: Portfolio, and 3 exams.
Went to watch Love Matters on Fri, then to Pearl's hse to bai nian on Sat.
They Mj-ed, and me, lao & bro left at 4am!
Anyway, just went to swimming with my lao! He forced me to go!
Arggg. so long nv exercise. HA.
But my stamina is still there loh. So proud of myself. HAHA!
Tmr watching Wedding Game, got free tickets.
Ha, else i won't go watch also.
& i loved you at 8:11 AM. | top
Sunday, February 1, 2009
CNY pam's.
Cny celebration at Pam's hse on sat. Pics on fb. (:
Thz Pam for inviting us!
I missed out the gathering at Mrs Pong's hse though.
A lot of ppl turned up!
Next sat will b Pearl's hse. HAz.
Exams are coming!
& i loved you at 8:53 AM. | top