Sunday, March 29, 2009
fucked up life.
Smtimes, Life is just screwed(F-) up.
Bloodyhell accused me. WTHWTH!
I just complaint to my lao! He told me to calm down!<3 to hear his voice.
Okay, now i'll seriously heck care abt things alr.
Virtual kicks in your arse!=(
Okay, i need to meet lao tmr, i need to see him and hug him!=((
Right, from now on, i shall turn to a emotionless person towards youuu.
Anyway, Just hope everything will be fine.
My family, lao, me, <3Butties, trips, work. U noe, Like everything.
BLAH. blah. blah.
I am very bothered, but! I really do not know what's bothering me.
I realised i began to blog more frequently.
I just need to vent some things here.
I need to feel better.
Like much much better.
& i loved you at 7:58 AM. | top