Monday, April 27, 2009
Whee, finally, got 4 strikes (not in a row though) jus now! Cus lao wanted to bowl just now, buay ta han. But i won him! So lucky! But i still don't really know how i did that. Pure luck.
HA belly acc-ed me to sell my book tday! Thz thz. Went to eat at fc4. But i do not miss SP! haha. Anw belly just cant get over the girls saying that he's older than lao by a yr! LOLOL.
i lub lao.
& i loved you at 9:21 AM. | top
Sunday, April 26, 2009
happy bday pearl.
Celebrated Pearl's bday ytd!
Surprised her haha! I managed to book this super big room at Bedok ktv.
Many many balloons & pizzas & cake! LOL.
Quite happy w it cus it was cheaper and cleaner and the sound system is better than kbox/topone/partyworld. Like got the feeling to sing out loud. LOl!
Anyway,went bowling again (went bowling for 4 rounds the prev day). My lao is so into bowling nowadays. My thumb is hurting! LOL. I seriously have no talent in bowling lah. The more i bowl, the worst results i get. HAHAA!! From like close to 100, then drop to 70+ 80+ 90+. SAD. Smtimes even 40-50+. HAHA. Arggg.
I hate balls! HAHAHA! I nv seem to play well with balls! ARGG!
Soccer, bball, tennis, table tennis, bowling.... maybe because i am a big ball myself!
Anyway, i was super tired, i kept slping! Slpt at 5am, woke up at 1pm+, bestest lao bought me & my bro lunch(:
Then, went to lao's hse after some shopping, i fell aslp again! From 4-8pm! HAHA!
I m a pig yo.
Tmr i must settle my stuffs. Delays and delays. Be more responsible pls pork. Lol.
& i loved you at 12:12 PM. | top
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Shane's bday celebration.
I'm currently Nua-ing at home.
Cus i dun have to go work temporary.
HA, but am so happy to stay at home lah. Who likes to work anyway?
If i'm earning big bucks i dun mind gg to work. Lol.
Anyway, i m so bored, i play this for fun.
Lol. A bit stupid leh this game. LOL.
Anyway, Shane's bday celebration at MOF ytd w lao's gang.
Happy bday!
Hope he enjoyed this mini celebration!
Mr goondooo lao actually forgot to remove the price tag. Buay Tahan.
And he anyhow match made belly & cpr's cousin! LOL!
Funny can. I think that gal is interested in belly ! WOAHH. belly, u so popular!
HAHA. Even a 15yr old is attracted by u!!! LOL.
Was teasing him ytd w jeffy. HAHA. We chatted on skype for close to 2 hrs. Lol.
Hope Belly will still do well in exams today. Teased him so much. lol!
& i loved you at 12:55 AM. | top
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
first driving lesson.
I'm temporary having a break now. Means no work for me now.
My health is giving me probs again. My gastric. =( And my cramps for no reason. Super pain leh. =(
Had my first driving lesson in the morning. Stupid me stupid things cocked up.
Anyway, by looking at my progress, i think i wld prob only get my license 3-4 yrs later. =(
And dear xy got a job alr! While sexy P gt a place in NUS! Not what she wanted but at least she secured a place there!
yay everyone shun shun li li.
And lucks to those having exams! (:
<3 Lao.
He brought me to pizza hut cus i saw the advertisement ytd.
I miss my lips and my hair is growing quite fast. boo.

& i loved you at 10:41 AM. | top
Monday, April 13, 2009
<3 38th.
38th monthsary!
I know it's kinda stupid to keep counting the months. But, there is only one 38th (39th,40th, & so on...) in our relationship, and it's precious! In fact, everyday is precious!(:
i <3 u!
Lao just bought me my veet hair removal! HAHA, WTH i know!
He even bought me panty liners before can!=p I think he bought me pads before too??
He is the best !!! HAHA!
Anyway, am super envy of my friend at NZ! His fam migrated there i think 6-7 yrs ago, now he is already in his 3rd yr honours, major in law! wowowowow. shiok. That's the goodness in studying overseas, living in another country.
That's the good of being rich.
Am surprised that we rmb each other quite well? LOL!
And i think he is super lucky, cus, he has an above average looks(as at 4-5yrs ago when i last seen him), is tall 1.8+, is smart, is rich, eloquent, a future lawyer. Ain't he blessed? Ha!
Owell, i'm contented w what i have now. (:
Better don't compare! ! !
Me hope tmr will be a better day.
& i loved you at 9:26 AM. | top
Saturday, April 11, 2009
(: Ended early for work today, met lao.
We had a tiff arggg! I screamed at his house! His mum was there! Okay my bad?
But i think he was at fault also!!!
Okay, Anyway met my bro to queensway. He wanted to buy a bag so we went all the way there.
But he didnt get it in the end! And he decided to buy it tmr. Nuts leh.
I wanted to see a doctor just now! But cus of him, i could not make it on time before the closing time. My lips are super painnn!!!! Bleeding and bleedinggg!!!!=(
I must go to the doctor tmr~=(
Btw, my bro came home empty handed! But lao bought 2 jeans! One from queensway, one from club marc. There were sales~! I bought this grey blazer from club marc too! From $149 slashed to $19 only, wth rite??!?! LOL! Actually i wanted to buy a cardigan, dun have my size! But i just dun wanna go home empty handed, so i searched and found that! Okay, i wanted to buy more clothings, but lao and my bro were annoying me and rushing me to be quick!!!!
Hais, when is my pay coming in?~~ I owe money here and there. Damn. HAHA.
& i loved you at 1:45 PM. | top
Thursday, April 9, 2009
=( menopause.
Why must you be a freaking menopausing womannn!!!!
Arggg. Did i do smth wrong which i dun even know!
Or did i do nth to make u feel i did smth wrong?
Driving me nutssssss.FAH!
If it is not for him, i quit.
wo yao ren!=(
& i loved you at 10:53 PM. | top
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Happy bday to Abu! (:
Went to Waraku and Hellipad to celebrate her 20th!
Butties and Butters came!
We gave her Adidas jacket to keep her warmth during lectures! (:
We thought that Hellipad's age limit was 23 yrs old, but we managed to get in! They even checked our ic. So, what's the age limit???
Anyway, we didn't stay there for very long! Just had a drink and chatted a bit.
Anyway, before that, i went to lao's monopoly challenge at PS.
He almost could get into the semis! =( Owell, consoled him that at least he was the richest for 2 out of 3 heats for his table! Good job alr!(:

Pictures taken from facebook!
& i loved you at 8:34 AM. | top
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Celebrated Belly's bday ytd.
His biggest present of the year went ytd, haha, i think he shld be too happy to fall sleep at night. Lol!
Anyway, i acc lao to his physiotherapy, i could feel the pain! HAHA.
I kept laughing and giggling when i saw him in pain. hehe.=p
He is at the monopoly competition now, lucks to him!
Owell, it's just a game!
I am gg down to support him!
And another bday celebration later, i feel so tired alr!=(
I wanna sleep. And i wanna stop dreaming.
& i loved you at 12:04 AM. | top