Saturday, October 31, 2009
That feeling is back.
Not supposed to be back=(
It's damn bad. Very bad.
Why am i so easily swayed, esp when it comes to this.
Bloody hate myself.
Sorry to _. I can't let u know this time round. No, never.
Anyway, the dreaded Wed is coming. Damn freaked out.
Only god and myself can help myself. ><
& i loved you at 10:52 AM. | top
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Movies chiongster!.
Watched many movies!=)
Julie and Julia, Lesbian Vampires, Pandorum, Imagine That and Jennifer's body in these 2 wks.
Ha. Movie Chiongster.
Still gonna watch more.
Waiting waiting.
Some of the movies watched aren't that nice. Lol.
Anw, support !!!
& i loved you at 9:09 AM. | top
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
HERBACKALLEY collection 4 launched!
Please support!
& i loved you at 9:08 AM. | top
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
movies and ktv freak!.
Been movie-ing these few days.
Sorority Row, Julie & Julia, Pandorum.
Sad to say, all these movies are nt my type. =(
Anws, been ktv-ing almost everey wk! omg.
w lao/belly/chicken.
They've been ktv-ing too! HAHA.
Miss the 4 butts singing "becus of u".
The mighty 4 forces combined. Yay.
OKay. i'm feeling damn stressed. Cus of driving. sad sad.
My brains hav probs omg. =( can't coordinate properly.
kk. relax omg.
& i loved you at 10:05 AM. | top
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Please support herbackalley!.
Damn sick and tired of working.
HAHA. I think i'm just sick of that b here.
Anyway, Support
We need your support!!!!
& i loved you at 8:01 PM. | top
Monday, October 5, 2009
MY lao!=(.
I wonder issit because my lao nagged at me too much, that i am already missing him the whole morning cus i cldn't call him to let him nag at.
He has contaminated my ears w all his nags.
But at least he called me to tell me he is safe in HK already=)
Hope he enjoys too much til he has nth to nag at me when he comes back to SG.
I miss him omg. =(
& i loved you at 10:07 PM. | top
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Click to enlarge!!
Collection 3 is up!
Support support support!!!
& i loved you at 12:20 PM. | top