Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Ok, i freaking went to some place to meet up him and his frens,
and i went back home to get smth cus i forgot to bring, den had to go back to that same place agn.
I was pissed becus, the reason for forgetting the thing was because i forgot, yes.
And my stupid lao didn't remind me when he came my hse to fetch me.
He should noe i've some serious f-up memory there.
I was pissed becus I had to go double trip just to get smth to LEND ppl.
I was pissed why my stupid lao didn't stop me from walking back to get the thing when he should've said things like I should wait til he finished the game den acc me back home.
I was pissed becus I actually had that feeling to play after leaving the sports hall but i had to walk back home thus resulting of time wasted and couldn't play anything.
I was pissed why i have to get back home MYSELF and bring that thing back.
I was pissed why can't they just walk to my hse to get it since I was supposed to be the middleman to lend smth not even to return or wad.
I was pissed why I'm even that stupid to even go to the sports hall when i knew i wldn't be able to play a game because i'm a f-lousy player.
I was pissed of myself for eventually gg back to the hall to deliver that thing to my fren because i know i must complete my "mission".
I was pissed off.
The most pissed off thing was that my stupid lao didn't even call to ask if i were gg back to meet him or hav i reached home. Or asked if i were safe. Or even give me a call.
DAMN pissed.
I could've NOT go back.
I could've stayed at home and rest.
I could've f- dun care.
Because, they don't even care.
& i loved you at 8:44 AM. | top