Sunday, December 28, 2008
I dont want sch..

Today is the last day of holiday. sad!
Havent played enough!
I spent this last day w my lao. Caught a movie, shopped, ate a lot.
Then met up w his friends, ate at Nihon (again).
Sushi overloaded.
Anw, I still have quite a number of movies that i want to watch! I only caught Twilight & Yes Man this holiday!
Time flies..! This holiday was being w lao, doing projects, gg on a holiday, partying, a lot of singing, many many late nights, finishing a tw drama which consists of 39 eps, going out, working part-time... Actually, i did quite a bit huh. Lol.
Hais. Sch tmr. =(
& i loved you at 8:38 AM. | top