Tuesday, April 14, 2009
first driving lesson.
I'm temporary having a break now. Means no work for me now.
My health is giving me probs again. My gastric. =( And my cramps for no reason. Super pain leh. =(
Had my first driving lesson in the morning. Stupid me stupid things cocked up.
Anyway, by looking at my progress, i think i wld prob only get my license 3-4 yrs later. =(
And dear xy got a job alr! While sexy P gt a place in NUS! Not what she wanted but at least she secured a place there!
yay everyone shun shun li li.
And lucks to those having exams! (:
<3 Lao.
He brought me to pizza hut cus i saw the advertisement ytd.
I miss my lips and my hair is growing quite fast. boo.

& i loved you at 10:41 AM. | top