Friday, January 15, 2010
Depressing life of MINE.
After listening to Jeff's talk, I felt soooo depressed.
Anyway, everything is not finalised yet.
I've till Feb rite rite.
Anyway, I'm damn SENSITIVE these few days.
Esp with those friends who always make me sensitive!
Anyway, another depressing thing is that i found out the reason for me increasing so much weight was that I was on medication for pimples!
So sad la. it's like all the weight lost came up in 6 mths just like that.
Bloody depressed week.
Really really really.
Shakes head.
Life is so depressing zomg.
Anyway Gz knocked his head on some metal thingy.
He claimed he was so in pain that i had to rushed back to Tampines and pangseh my butties.
But when i saw him, he wasn't as bad as i tot.
Always say til very jia lat in order to make me gan jiong.
& i loved you at 12:06 PM. | top